Sunday, August 17, 2008

New York in the NYC of Time

So it's official. I leave for New York City on Friday.

I'm sure that's a surprise to some of you, so let me summarize.

My hours at work were cut, I looked at my finances and budget, totaled the cost and process for a visa, and came to the conclusion that staying Prague would be incredibly stupid.

My choice basically came down to borrowing a great deal of money to stick around, which I might possibly not be able to pay within a year (dumb), live and work illegally in the Czech Republic (dumber) or cut and run. So I'm running.

I'm definitely not happy about it, but New York will be nice. I already have two job interviews ready to set up when I arrive. I have awesome friends there and a good support network. And it's New York for chrissake.

I'm not certain how long I'll be there, but let's just play it by ear.

As for Prague, it's a lovely city, I miss it already. I'll be trying to spend my last few days here in as grand a style as possible.

Unfortunately, because of rising prices and the new Schengen Zone regulation, it seems that Prague is no longer the welcoming city for non-EU citizens to teach English that it once was. Within a year I predict that it will no longer be possible for an American without a EU passport to teach there. That's how bad it's gotten this quickly.

So, there's the news. Expect to hear more as the week goes on.

Much love to Gabe for the assistance out of this joint, and to all in New York lookin' out for me. Or really, everyone who has been looking out for me.


Rev. Gabelicious said...

God, this post is so sappy, it's worse than the time I bailed you out of Europe!!!

John Baker said...

I just wish I had had a chance to take a leak on the European Council building before leaving

Deborah Bosket said...

Because I'm a nerd, I looked it up, and it's named after a town in Luxembourg where the agreement was signed. So, basically, you could just punch anyone from Luxembourg in the face and I think that would be totally appropriate.