Friday, June 27, 2008


You know what's cool? Public transportation. At least if you're a nerd like me that takes pictures of archaeological digs. Prague has a real subway. Really! Living in Seattle so long, I forgot what it's like. Travel time from my front door to my class? 11 minutes. No, really. The walk would be ridiculous, I assure you. I'm on the other side of the river. Hradcanska station if you care to look at the map.

The other great thing about Prague's metro is that it's commie-built. Yep, and as you can see above, those commies weren't married to functionality, they had serious subway style. Check out those smart subway walls. Those are always in season.

Like DC, the metro is located well below ground to serve as a bomb shelter in case of a nuclear attack. Take that, Iran. An added bonus is the workout you get from running up the escalator. (Yes, I'm well aware of what an escalator does, but who has time to stand and wait for a machine to do it for me). I'm sure you're all waiting breathlessly for my return so you can stare at my supple calves in a pair of hot European soccer shorts. So I'll leave you with that image.


eric molina said...

that bad boy is never late. ever.

also, hopping on at 5am after an absinthe/vodka-redbull bender is not a way to endear yourself to the locals. particularly if you have the odor of four smazyny syrs on your breath.

porgytirebiter said...

and eeww to you Molina...

John Baker said...

What the heck is a smazyny syr?

Trskn said...

I don't like New York but would hate to give up the subway. Enjoy it!

Also - did you know that the "door closing" announcement in Prague is sampled in a Calexico song? (I have no idea which one, I just know that it is.)