Sunday, July 20, 2008

Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand

Many of you are familiar with city sponsered public art exhibitions. In Seattle, they had "Pigs on Parade", where artists painted paper mache pigs and set them around the city. Yesterday I stumbled upon Prague's version of that. Instead of pigs they booths. For some reason.

You can take a bath in this one! Kooky!

This one is tiny!

I got sick of taking pictures of phonebooths so I took a picture of a swan.

Um, is this supposed to be for Vampires?

This one is filled with dirt. The hippies were not part of the installation. I think.

Take that, capitalism!

Final Score:
The Man-0

1 comment:

James said...

It's like a centerfold from 2600, circa 1993.